Difference Benefits Admin System

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Streamline your benefit administration with the Difference Benefits Admin System

The Difference Benefits Admin System is a comprehensive suite of products including a new online enrollment services platform, HR Portal, COBRA Administration, and our interactive benefit decision tool: DANNY!

With the new Difference Benefits Admin System, you will have access to our Online Enrollment Services Platform.

We can provide you with automated or self-service COBRA administration. In addition, the system can help you to better manage your employee benefit offerings such as Health Savings Accounts, Flexible Spending Accounts, Health Reimbursement Arrangements, Vision Insurance, Dental Benefits, Commuter Accounts, Life and Disability Insurance.

Difference Benefits Admin System Flyer

Online Enrollment Services Platform

Included in the Online Enrollment Platform:

  • Building the complete enrollment system for HR
  • Setting up payroll integrations
  • Establishing carrier connections which can be created with ALL insurance carriers
  • Setting up Difference Card Plan Designs
  • Developing the interface and customizing the employee experience

With The Difference Benefits Admin System, employers get access to our Online Enrollment Services that removes the manual process associated with enrolling employees into benefits. It creates an automated workflow from payroll to insurance carriers.

Simplifying Life for HR Teams

The Online Enrollment Service will take care of everything from open enrollment, to adding or removing employees, to change of life events. Employees even get access to our benefit decision guide, DANNY!

Everything is handled automatically online with the system providing education on benefit options during open enrollment, to collecting employee elections or changes and finally delivering those elections to payroll and carriers. All without HR having to do to anything manually!

Difference Benefits COBRA Administration

The Difference Benefit System will handle COBRA administration by:

  • Sending required COBRA notification when the employee terminates
  • Allowing the employee to elect COBRA in the system
  • Billing the employee directly for COBRA
  • Collection of the premium on behalf of the employer
  • Distribution of payment to Employer Group

Employers with 20 or more employees are required by law to offer COBRA healthcare continuation.

COBRA, known as the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, allows employees and their families who lose employer sponsored health benefits the right to choose to continue the group health benefits for a limited time when they meet certain criteria.

Difference Benefits COBRA can help ease the burden of administering this benefit with our Classic or Enhanced COBRA options.

Classic COBRA

Includes a self-service portal for the employer to enter terminations, push out member billing, collect premiums and get access to reporting

Enhanced COBRA

Includes the option to select the Online Enrollment Services Platform and allows for automated payroll and carrier integrations, COBRA notifications, member billing, premium collection, and reporting.

Ready for a demo of The Difference Benefits Admin System?

To get pricing and learn more about how The Difference Benefits Admin System can simplify your benefit administration, request a proposal or demo today!

Meet DANNY, The Decision Guide

DANNY is a custom benefit guide that helps employees make the best healthcare choices for themselves, their family, and their paycheck


Meet DANNY, The Benefit Decision GuideDANNY is an interactive benefit decision support guide that is included for all members in The Difference Benefits Admin System.

DANNY takes you step-by-step through the benefit options offered by employers to give employees complete control over their healthcare decisions.

DANNY provides guidance for health plan selections by taking into account the employees family structure, their annual income and expected healthcare expenses for the year.

DANNY will help employees prioritize funds with questions to help them choose between health plan levels, health saving account contributions, flexible spending account funding, retirement plans and dependent care assistance programs.

DANNY will guide employees in a helpful and non-biased manner- giving them a true cost-savings analysis, a printable PDF guide of their choices and renewed confidence in their healthcare decisions.

Download a DANNY Flyer

Download a DANNY Case Study

HR Portal + Benefit Administration

The HR Portal is a single platform that allows employers to have access to everything from employee data to benefit plans to custom reporting:

  • Employee Data
  • Benefit Plan Data
  • Network Data
  • Communication Platform
  • Custom Reporting

The Difference Benefits Admin Portal can administer:

Difference Benefits Admin System

Learn more about The Difference Benefits Admin System

Difference Card Client Sees Success with The NEW Difference Benefits Admin System

A New York-based not-for-profit organization streamlines benefit administration with The Difference Benefits Admin Sys...

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