For Producers

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How We Help Producers

Are you looking for ways to differentiate your agency in a crowded health insurance brokerage market?

The Difference Card’s exclusive distribution strategy creates a proprietary health savings and compliance solution for brokers to bring to their clients and prospects in the group health insurance market.

Our team of highly trained Sales and Retention Consultants have been helping producers grow their businesses for the past twenty years through the design and delivery of innovative cost saving solutions.

We can help you stand out.

Request a proposal to learn how

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Best-in-class Brokers

The Difference Card strategically partners with best-in-class brokerage agencies and independent agents across the US to help them grow their business by delivering an innovative health insurance solution to reduce employer health insurance costs, while still providing the same benefits to employees.

Producer Growth By The Numbers

Are you trying to find a cost-effective health benefit plan to address the rising cost of healthcare for your Employer Group clients?

Over the last 20+ years, The Difference Card has worked for our Producer Partners to create custom health benefit plans for employers, allowing them to save an average of 18% off the health insurance spend.

  • In 2024, The Difference Card helped our Producer Partners win 195 new “broker of record” accounts and achieved $8.4 million in new revenue for Partner Agencies. This equated to $168 million in new medical premiums for our Partners.
  • In 2023, The Difference Card helped our Producer Partners win 117 new “broker of record” accounts and achieved $5.1 million in new revenue for Partner Agencies. This equated to $129 million in new medical premiums for our Partners.
  • In 2022, The Difference Card helped our Producer Partners win 86 new “broker of record” accounts and achieved $2.5 million in new revenue for Partner Agencies. This equated to $62 million in new medical premiums for our Partners.
  • In 2021, despite another challenging prospecting year due to COVID-19, The Difference Card was still able to help our Producers win 59 new “broker of record” accounts. The agency new business premium was $40 million in total- resulting in $1.6 million of new revenue for our Partner Agencies.
  • In 2020, despite COVID-19, The Difference Card assisted brokers in writing 105 new “broker of record” accounts, equating to over $108 million in new medical premiums and $4.3 million in new revenue for their agencies.
  • In 2019, our producers won 92 new brokerage accounts worth $123 million in new medical premiums and $4.9 million in new commission.
  • In 2018, The Difference Card helped brokers to win 74 new groups for their brokerage agencies totaling $80 million in new medical premiums, worth $3.2 million in new revenue.

    Ready to Stand Out? Fill out the form to learn more.

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    Employer Savings Results By The Numbers

    Over the last 9 years, our health insurance savings solution has resulted in an average of $3,000 in savings per employee per year.

    Year PEPY Percent of savings
    2024 $3,911 19.6%
    2023 $3,246 17%
    2022 $3,262 18.0%
    2021 $3,341 18.9%
    2020 $3,095 18.5%
    2019 $2,696 16.3%
    2018 $2,352 16.5%
    2017 $2,010 17.1%
    2016 $2,150 17.9%
    2015 $2,354 18.9%



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