
Navigating COVID-19: A Message from The Difference Card

March 25, 2020

To Our Valued Employees, Members, Employer Groups and Broker Partners:

The COVID-19 situation has escalated to the point where we, at The Difference Card, have taken proactive measures to protect our employees, clients and extended Difference Card family.

To minimize any risk of disruption to our business operations, The Difference Card made the decision to deploy business continuity plans on March 6th with the primary focus being the safety and wellbeing of our associates, as well as protecting the member experience in the event our associates should not be able to be physically present in our office facilities.

The Difference Card has taken the following measures:

  • The week of March 9th, we conducted a thorough testing of our work from home capabilities.
  • Effective on March 16th, we put in place travel restrictions for all of our employees.
  • We have mandated a “work from home” order for all our staff effective on March 19th.

We are very well positioned to work productively through these challenging times and keep our service levels at the standards our clients have become accustomed to. We appreciate your flexibility as we work to conduct meetings virtually in the immediate future.

We will, of course, continue to monitor the situation and will reevaluate when and if is necessary.

Wishing health and wellness for our entire Difference Card Family.

Be well,

Gregg Lehman, CEO

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