
We’re offering a $2,500 credit to new Difference Card clients

April 6, 2020

Together, we are facing a truly unprecedented situation like nothing this country has ever seen before. The COVID-19 pandemic is creating a new normal for our families, our communities and, of course, our businesses.

While many insurance companies have declared that they will waive out-of-pocket costs associated with any treatment for COVID-19, we at The Difference Card are fearful that this will eventually trickle down to small and mid-sized employers with significant rate increases come renewal.

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We understand that most employer groups cannot shoulder this burden and will be forced to make tough decisions when considering benefits for their employees.

We do not want employers to have more stress on their plates than they already do.

That’s why we have decided to offer a $2,500 premium credit* to any new group that signs with The Difference Card. This credit, combined with the cost-savings already provided by The Difference Card’s benefit plan designs, will ease the burden of providing quality health insurance during these difficult times. Our plans save the average client around 18%, and 35% of our clients save between 15-20% on health insurance.

We are all in this together and hope to help in any way that we can. If you think this might be a good fit for you, email a Sales Consultant at We are happy to discuss plan design options and tell you more about The Difference Card.

*Premium credit is available on the first invoice for any group to signs with The Difference Card with an effective date of May, June or July 2020.

We're offering a $2,500 credit to new Difference Card clients

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